We’ve been there.
Sometimes I feel like people think Moosejaw was some sort of overnight success story. That is definitely not the case. We’ve been grinders since day one and can tell stories that you probably wouldn’t believe.
Like…back in the day, if you called Moosejaw at 4am, it was my brother answering the phone from his bed, helping you with a question about a backpack or taking your order for a new jacket. Yep, my brother and I took turns having our 800 number point to our home phones after hours. And, we carried an old school hypercom machine with us wherever we went so that we could run your credit card from home.
When the internet bubble crashed in 2000 and again when the world went to hell in 2008, we couldn’t sell anything if it wasn’t being discounted. And, based on our partnerships with our suppliers, we weren’t allowed to discount. We were running out of money. We were on the verge of breaking bank covenants. Not fun.
So, we get it.
We had to cut staff who we loved. We went on cash freeze. The list is pretty endless, actually.
Our intention was solely to find a way to effectively get through the short-term madness. We had a couple board members who pounced on us. But, our best board members were maniacal about helping us. And, to this day I love ‘em, they taught us everything, and we owe them so much.
For starters, we officially flipped from quarterly to monthly board meetings.
While we had a little bit of trepidation at first, getting together with our board more frequently was awesome for us. One of the best moves we ever made. Our board had some crazy experience that we just didn’t have. To note, we eventually went back to quarterly board meetings but the temporary change to monthly was great.
Now that the world is falling apart again, I’d really really encourage you to get together with your board more frequently. Two really’s on purpose. At a minimum get together monthly right now, and go back to quarterly when it feels right. You’ll know.
Some quick notes from when we were in the midst of our chaos…
Just one quick story of how we got creative at Moosejaw. We always came up with some pretty crazy marketing ideas, and our catalog was no exception. For Christmas, we launched our No Pants catalog.
The economy was so awful and everyone was spending less, so we decided to encourage our customers to not buy pants. Or wear ‘em. Hoodies and jackets and climbing gear were fine but no need to buy a new pair of ski bibs. Also, just to show how all in we went with this one…none of the models in our catalog wore pants. Undies for everyone.
Back to it…
We went after our goals with relentless urgency. Urgency creates results. We did daily (usually 15 minute) meetings about each of our short-term goals. Always with an agenda and next steps. That kind of drumbeat worked well for us.
To be clear, we didn’t make any of this up…all of our action was all inspired by our board, based on their past experience and everything they were seeing across their portfolio companies. And, while I can’t say the board monitored us, the accountability we felt and our preparation for our monthly board meetings clearly motivated us. All in a great way.
Some next steps…
Some quick thoughts…
On July 21, 2022 Fred Wilson, who is a bad ass VC and one of the finest and most caring people we’ve ever worked with, said…
“But it is also the case that the number one thing in times like this is staying in the game so you can play another round. You don’t want to go bust right now. So it is time to take your lumps, learn some valuable lessons from them, and move on.
It is also time to stay positive. When you are the leader of a company (or anything else), you have to lead with optimism, enthusiasm, and positive energy.”
Please click here to check out Fred’s blog.
Alright. This post is now longer than the Iliad. So, I’m going to stop typing now.
Thanks so much.
Decent Humans of Zeck