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"Now if I see they haven't viewed the Zeck, I nudge them to check it out to better prepare for our discussions."

- Russell Sylte, Chief Operating Officer The Santaluz Club

The Customer

The Santaluz Club is a private country club and luxury community in San Diego. They also love the word racquet.

Industry: Private Club

The Problem

After stepping into his current role with a larger structure consisting of 11 board members and 80 stakeholders, Russell quickly realized that managing PowerPoints and PDFs with endless edits was inefficient. 

The Solution

Zeck has streamlined how The Santaluz Club manages board communications and governance. Additionally, they are also using Zeck for board retreats, orientations, strategic planning, and as a central hub for their governance documents across 38 committees. 

The Benefits

Zeck has brought flexibility and efficiency to board prep and meetings. They’ve also used Zeck to create a board resource center with quick access to key documents like fiduciary duties, governance policies, and strategic plans.

The Beauty of Zeck Analytics

With so many committees, programs and meetings being created with Zeck, the analytics have become hugely important. 

I can absolutely be the fun police and say, "I noticed you haven’t viewed the Zeck. I’d highly recommend you check out X, Y, and Z to be better prepared for our discussions", says Russell. 

Zeck analytics allows for transparency across so many inititaives and created more lively engagement.

No More Long Hours of Prep 

The Santaluz Club has shaved its preparatory time by 90%. What used to take 30-40 hours now takes two hours. And, what started as a board management tool has now infiltrated every aspect of their business after they realized how simple and effective Zeck is to use. 


The best part is the ability to make real-time edits—whether it’s the night before or during a meeting—something that wasn’t possible before.

- Russell Sylte, Chief Operating Officer

No More Endless Hours of Formatting

Paul from Santaluz Club is also a Zeck superfan. “I think the best part about it is that it provides a platform where you don't have to do any of the beautifying. Before, I could spend hours and hours and hours personalizing and reformatting and if you change one slide, then you have to go back, copy the formatting, paste and all of that has nothing to do with getting your content to the people who need it", says Paul. And, he really did say hours three times. 

From Board Meetings to Golf Programs

The board quickly adopted Zeck due to its ease of use. Team members across departments, including the superintendent, athletic director, finance controller, operations director, and golf director, began using Zeck to run their own meetings. Meeting decks were prepared and shared in advance, allowing for comments and revisions before meetings took place.

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